Transistor Emitter follower operation

The transistor connected in the common -collector configuration, with input and output signal appearing at base and emitter terminals, respectively. This type of circuit often referred to as an Emitter follower circuit. Below circuit shows a transistor connected in a emitter follower configuration.

Although the collector terminal at + Vcc volts it is shorted to ground for ac signals,the transistor is connected as a common collector circuit element  

                                        Base current flows into the transistor of above circuit when a positive input signal rises above the base emitter turn on voltage level. The potential difference across the base and emitter terminals is equal to the value of  VBE(ON).Thus the  output potential is slightly less positive than the input-voltage level and follows closely the voltage excursion of the positive-input signal.

Voltage gain of the circuit given by 


                         where Av = voltage gain of the emitter-follower circuit

                                    Vin = de level of input signal 

The above expression approaches unity for Vin≫VBE(ON).The maximum positive-voltage level at the base terminal is limited by the value of Vcc and the turn-on voltage of the base-collector diode. If base-terminal voltage rises to a level which causes the base-collector diode to conduct, a clamp- ng action occurs which will not allow the base voltage to become significantly more positive. This clamped-voltage level is the sum of Vcc and the magnitude of base-collector diode drop. In order to prevent clamping of the input-signal level, Vcc should be at least as positive as the most positive  input-voltage level. 

Collector current of the non-saturated transistor is given by,

                               IC =hFEIB

Emitter current is expresse by,



Current gain is defined to be the ratio of input current to output current and from above equation can be expressed   AI=IE/IB=hFE+1



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